Thursday, September 14, 2017

Millennials in Business: A Force of their Own

Despite the overall assumption that members of the millennial generation are difficult to please, recent evidence has indicated that millennials are most commonly their employer’s most fervent supporters.

The millennial stigma comes with labels of lazy, expecting everything to be handed to them and their excessive need for approval. However, millennials are proving this wrong with their dedication and enthusiasm for their jobs.[1]  recently released an analysis of employee engagement surveys, polled from 350 companies and 6.8 million workers. The results showed that 73% of millennials would recommend their organizations and places of work to others, as “good places to work compared to the 70% of the overall workforce.” 

This research also indicated that millennials are more positive about moving up in the company, “54 percent favorable, compared to the 46 percent of the overall workforce,” and 71% feel that their managers support their development. This not only shows their enthusiasm for their current job, but it showcases a willingness to create a name for themselves.

The analysis also unearthed where millennials core values and faith lies within the company. This generation tends to stake their belief in creating change and making this world a better place. They’re thinking big, optimistically and are looking to inspire. 71%, compared to 65% of the entire workforce, said they were in favor of “the extent to which their companies are responding effectively to changes in the business environment.” 78% were also in favor of the prospects of success for their companies over the next 2-3 years. They were overwhelmingly in favor of their companies treatment of people with respect as well as promoting diversity in the workplace.

This analysis seems to refute the common millennial stigma as it shows dedication and hard working business men and women taking on the workplace challenges with an overarching positivity.
They are not intrinsically different humans from all who came before them, as most books, articles, podcasts and business journals often suggest. New strategies are being crafted every day on how to manage millennials’ sense of entitlement and perceived laziness. It seems a bit silly to go through all this work in order to understand this generation.

It is estimated that by 2025, millennials will make up 75% of the workforce. But based on the evidence of this analysis combined with the fact that millennials are highly educated and extremely tech savvy, it seems as though they will become a force of their own in the business world.

Be sure to stay updated on HR news and updates by following VertiSource HR® on Facebook and Twitter!


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

How to Define the Work-Life Balance

The concept of balancing both your work-life and your home/family life can be difficult to actually implement into your daily routine. Of course, it sounds great in theory but then the busyness of life takes over and you can find yourself struggling to keep up.

But what exactly is a work-life balance? 

Before putting this balance into action, having a clear definition of what this harmony means can help you stay organized, level headed and actually perform better in both aspects of life.

Life Balance 

Lifestyle balance starts with narrowing your focus. Concentrate on the main aspects of your life that are important to your mind, body, and connections with others. Here are some examples:

1. Your health
2. Family and friends
3. Relationships
4. Finances
5. Personal/Spiritual growth
6. Hobbies or fun activities

Try writing down what is most important to you so you can see it on paper, creating a lasting imprint in your mind. By prioritizing these essential and vital parts of your life, you can achieve the happiness, financial organization and interpersonal connections that will allow you to take a break from your work and rejuvenate yourself. That way you will be fresh and ready to tackle your work life.

Work Balance 

So what does your work life expect from you? What do you expect from them? This balance goes both ways.

Your company wants from you:

1. Time
2. Performance
3. Engagement
4. Commitment
5. Knowledge

You want from the company:

1. Time
2. Compensation
3. Communication
4. Collaboration
5. Promotion
6. Recognition

With this factors in the forefront of your mind, evaluate what your priorities are and consider how each can serve in your balance. Reflect on where change is needed. Otherwise, you will continue to feel unfulfilled and unbalanced. Possible changes could include, changing employers/careers or communicating your issues and concerns to your boss.

Finding a balance may take some time and/or trial and error. But the result of achieving this harmony will far outweigh the potential struggle it may take to get there. This active and present approach will allow you to perform better at work with a clear, organized focus, be the maker of your own destiny and create the control you desire for your life.

Be sure to stay updated on HR news and updates by following VertiSource HR® on Facebook and Twitter!

Thursday, August 10, 2017

How to Revitalize Yourself at Work

With meetings, deadlines and an overall sense of "busy" in our work day, it is common to feel tired or burnt out at your job. And sometimes, coffee just isn’t going to cut it. 
Your health and well-being are extremely vital to your success at work. Even when you are in busy mode, you mustn’t forget about what your mind and body needs on a daily basis to function properly. Negative habits can accumulate and can form some unhealthy results. 
But don’t worry, it is a lot easier than you think! Here are 5 easy ways to revitalize yourself during your work day that will help you stay happy, healthy and more productive. 

1. Drink Water

We are told this a lot, but are we really listening? 
Water is life, as they say, and its list of benefits is lengthy. Water helps to reduce weight gained from sitting for long periods of time. It boosts your energy and helps with stress-related headaches and sleeplessness. It even aids your immune system so you are less likely to get sick. 
The trouble for a lot of people is remembering to drink enough throughout their day. There are a number of water apps for your phone that will remind you to keep drinking. Bring a large water bottle with you to work every day and set a goal to drink the entirety of its contents before you leave for the day. Place a glass of water on your bedside table to remind you to start your day with plenty of H20. This simple steps will make a world of difference.

2. Eat More Plants 

There are tons of studies, such as this one, that has shown that people who eat a largely plant-based diet are less prone to disease and live longer than people who do not. A simple google search can rely upon the immense amount of benefits from feeding your body more fruits and vegetables and less meat and dairy. By eating more plants and eliminating processed foods and sugars at work (that vending machine is not your friend) your energy will stay up, your focus will remain clear and you won’t experience any of those midday slumps from a heavy, meat based lunch. 
Luckily, many grocery stores carry prepackaged and pre-cut fruit and veggie so you can grab those easily, instead of a bag of chips. There are many easy to find sources, especially on Youtube, that provide snack and meal ideas that are simple to prep and easy to bring with you. 

You are what you eat! 

3. Move Your Body 

We cannot talk about health without including exercise. Exercise has been proven to boost critical reasoning, confidence, retentive memory and enhanced general well-being, which can crucially affect your work day.  It is not only a method of staying thin and getting fit, but exercise is extremely powerful at preventing chronic disease, reducing blood pressure and benefiting the immune system. It is also excellent for the brain! 
There are many ways to stay moving even if you work in an office. Walk to work, if you can, or park your car farther away from the building. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk on your lunch break. Invest in a yoga ball for your desk to help stabilize your core and keep your blood moving throughout the day. 
By making movement a priority in your day, you will definitely see a difference in your energy levels and productivity. 

4. Disconnect

It is easy to get so engrossed with our work that we unconsciously get tense or lose clarity. Too much mental tension is counterproductive and unhealthy. 
By working in blocks to step away from a project and away from a screen, you can gain refreshment and refocus your mental energy. Disconnect for 15 minutes, 3-4 times a day will clear your mind and sharpen your focus when you return to work. You can take this break to move your body, drink your water or meditate. 

5. Sleep 

Again, we all know the benefits of sleep and its effect on the brain. It is just a matter of putting it into practice. 
While we’re sleeping, the brain actively strengthens connections we need and weeds out the ones we don’t. And what we don’t need is stress, hormone dysregulation, weight gain, inflammation, depression and heart disease. Your risk goes up immensely for all of these issues if you don’t get the proper sleep. Your work is important, but a healthy body is crucial in creating the best version of yourself. 
Aim for between seven and nine hours of sleep each day. If you are a scheduler, write in your sleep schedule as if it was meeting you can’t afford to miss.
A healthy lifestyle is not complicated! It takes a few adjusts at first, just like any change, but then it becomes second nature to you. By taking the time to revitalize yourself at work, you can reap the rewards tenfold in your productivity, energy levels, and overall success. Take control of your health and make your body a priority. 

You only have one! 

Be sure to stay updated on HR news and updates by following VertiSource HR® on Facebook and Twitter!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

7 Ideas to Increase Employee Morale this Summer

According to sociologist Alexander Leighton, “Morale is the capacity of a group of people to pull together persistently and consistently in pursuit of a common purpose.” Everyone wants this for their company. After all, good morale means employees collaborate better, miss fewer workdays, and are more productive and more satisfied with their work. 
For the employer, this will decrease turnover rates, create a team working towards a common goal and can provide a much more happy and healthy work environment. 

Clearly, this is a win-win. 

The best approach to tackling low morale is to embrace positive change before any negativity begins to spread in the form of eye rolls, decreased collaboration, fewer conversations and weak performances. 
With summer in the air, low morale may be in effect already as employees look longingly out the window at the sunshine or have to juggle work related obstacles with their children out of school. 

Here are some ideas to increase employee morale as a team and as individuals. 

1. Company Outing 

Everyone likes getting out of the office from time to time, especially now that the weather is warm. Instead of letting the higher-ups definitively decide your next company-wide outing, split the office into teams and put it to a vote. Giving employees the opportunity to shape rewarding activities ensures that your effort serves everyone. 

2. Volunteer Together 

Volunteering always feels good. As a team building exercise, you can get the employees out of the office while allowing them to feel connected to their community and see a different side of one another. 
This dose of positivity can raise the happiness factor within your team and can even supplement as a company-wide outing. (It’s free!) 
You can also look for nonprofits to partner with that tie into your corporate charity. 

3. Switch Up Traditional Emails 

According to a study, “92 percent of employees experience a spike in blood pressure and heart rate after reading an email in the office.” These types of stresses weigh heavily on the morale in the office. Try utilizing other forms of communication, such as integrating software like Trello, Asana, and Slack to lessen its impact and provide a fresh form of connection. 

4. Increase Vacation Days 

Some employees may be hesitant about actually utilizing their vacation time. Even companies that offer unlimited vacation days, find that employees aren't using them. Too much choice can be restrictive and confusing. However, employees need a break if they are going to continue to be productive. 
Try adding a bonus for employees who truly take a timeout without work emails and phone calls on their vacations. This will absolutely boost morale and allow employees to feel appreciated for their time and time off. 

5. Encourage Lunch Breaks 

Much like vacation time, a lot of employees don’t take proper lunch breaks either. Management professor Kimberly Elsbach told NPR that “staying inside, in the same location, is really detrimental to creative thinking.” 
As the employer, encouraging your staff to step away from their desk, go for a walk or eat lunch outside from time to time, is a great way to increase morale as well as teach your employees how to utilize this healthy habit more frequently. 

6. Themed Potlucks 

Let’s face it, food is motivating. It is also a great way to get your team engaged with one another. 
Plan a themed potluck for your next big meeting. Your team will have fun brainstorming ideas, like rainbow food, where everyone picks a color, Chinese food day or even a cereal day. Food will help your employees get excited about their work day and your next meeting. 

7. Fitness 

Active employees equal happy employees. We are all aware of the dangers of sitting in an office chair day in and day out with little to no movement. Encourage your staff to get healthy and fit together. Create weekly or monthly challenges, encourage daily walks or think of ways to combine fitness activities when you are volunteering or during the company outing. 
Activities such as these will bring employees together and are affordable for the entire company. 

Be sure to stay updated on HR news and updates by following VertiSource HR® on Facebook and Twitter!

Thursday, June 22, 2017

5 Ways to Use Tech to Motivate and Attract Top Talent

Attracting and motivating the best talent for your company is going to take some work. Fortunately, the technological advances that have been made over the years has lead to a continuous flow of efficient apps, modules, and platforms for businesses to utilize to both attract and motivate talented employees.  

1. Mobile Hiring Apps

Since most millennials and Gen Z workers are extremely tech savvy, it is not surprising they use digital tools and platforms to look for work. According to Fast Company, “nearly two-thirds (64%) of 2015 grads have used a mobile app to search and apply for positions, and they consider social networking the most effective method for finding a job.” Employers must look where their future employees already are by investing in the many digital recruitment options. 

2.   Eliminate Geographical Barriers 

It may seem plausible to hiring locally to leverage your own network and train new hires in person. However, your network might not always sustain itself. By offering virtual work, you can expand your quest with freedom to search for talent across the nation, which will give you a significant competitive advantage. 
“Businesses are embracing remote workers because the absence of a traditional office environment and hours can increase efficiency and make employees more productive than ever”, according to Dan Schawbel of Time. And with studies showing that 45% of the U.S workforce now has a job that’s suitable for full-time or part-time telecommuting, making this shift to search outside of your geography can narrow your search for talent, and keep them motivated and happy, longer. 

3.   Flexibility and Time 

Technology enables you to evolve your position on flexibility and productivity, which offers a compelling perk to candidates. For some companies practicing this idea, the 40-hour work week is seemingly an archaic notion. 
Technology allows employees to complete work correctly and accurately, but not have to spend an unreasonable amount of time doing so. For the employer, this means saving time and money. While some employees may finish a task in 6 hours, others can complete it in 4, but they get the same amount of money to do so. For example, rather than hourly charges, employers can focus on productivity, which will deliver true value to clients or customers. Employees are then able to work independently, as much or as little as they like, as long as the job gets done.  
This kind of flexibility has been proven to empower employees, keep them positive and motivated and also produce the highest levels of productivity. 

4.   Real Time Performance Reviews

Traditionally, performance reviews are on an annual or quarterly basis. However, feedback should be ongoing if you want to keep a happy and productive staff. 
Investing in an automated performance review process with HR software, can make giving and receiving real-time feedback simple and effective. 

According to Matt Straz of, “Instant feedback mechanisms can significantly improve engagement and motivation by consistently guiding employees in the right direction.” This tool can also allow employees the ability to offer suggestions to management, directly. Employees can feel that they have a voice that is being heard, which can also boost morale. 

5.  Preparing for the future

Technology enables you to stay relevant to both your clients and your talent. Most companies, as a whole, don’t run on paper and neither should you. The same goes for attracting top talent. Prospects won’t tolerate stacks of paper or driving long distances from home to get checks signed. And in this technological age, they shouldn’t have to. 
By implementing this mindset and a commitment to integrating the right technology, companies can attract and retain top talent to ensure success now and into the future. Preparation is key.

For more information on automating your company's recruiting, onboarding and HR/benefits efforts, contact VertiSource HR® and schedule a free demo of our brand new cloud software!

VertiSource HR® You Tube Channel: Watch Video Demos Now!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Improve Your Onboarding Process with VertiSource HR® Cloud

You probably spend a lot of time on candidate sourcing, screening and the selection processes. Because of this, it can be extremely frustrating when new employees don’t stay with your company for long.  Between recruiting, turnover and the lost productivity, costs can rise while many other key performance indicator percentages can go down like employee retention and relationships with customers.
Yet, despite this, many companies don’t put the time and resources into developing an effective employee onboarding process. 
The Importance of Onboarding Organization
Onboarding is a core component of your employment brand and the foundation on which employee engagement is built. Getting organized in this area can help your business and enable less issues when it comes to recruiting and introducing new members to your team.
At VertiSource HR, we have developed a 100% web based HR software that couples with our HR services, called the VertiSource HR® Cloud. We developed this program to provide a simplified version of HR strategies so that you can focus on the growth and development of your business. This service will save you countless hours every week by delivering industry-leading payroll, benefits, hiring and more, all with the help of our HR experts.
How It Works
Within the VertiSource HR® Cloud, we have created a module specially to speed up and organize the onboarding process.  This module will capture employee demographic information, federal, state and local tax filing forms. With a complete set of digital and online forms combined with electronic signature functionality, new hires can get started fast with complete, accurate records and data. All forms and documents associated with Onboarding and Enrollment are securely tracked and stored. With customized workflows and tracking, your Human Resources department can enjoy a seaming integration as the data gathered during the hiring process automatically gets stored all in one place.
How easy is that?
To find out more information about this simple and effective onboarding tool and other beneficial and time saving features VertiSource HR® Cloud contains, visit us at or speak to a VSHR rep by calling 855.565.VSHR today!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Hot Topic: Accommodating Pregnancy in the Workplace

Women today are more likely to work while pregnant according to data collected by the Pew Research Center[1] . Women tend to work longer into their pregnancy and return to work sooner as well.

With this information in mind, it is important for companies and their HR departments to be ready when the time to accommodate a pregnant employee comes about. While pregnancy can be a wonderful time in a woman's life, it can also present a number of challenges in the workplace.

For example, fatigue, sickness, or pain may impact attendance. Restrictions in lifting, standing, or bending may affect the ability to meet the physical demands of a job. Some women may need to drink and eat more frequently or wear more comfortable clothing that may not adhere to certain policies. Back pain, high blood pressure, dehydration and even depression are other examples of limitations that can result from pregnancy-related complications.

The more knowledge and understanding of these possible limitations will better your HR department and allow the company to avoid any discriminations or retaliations.


There are two federal laws that may require an employer to accommodate a pregnant worker: the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

The PDA[2]  is a federal statute that protects pregnant workers and requires covered employers to make job-related modifications for pregnant employees. The PDA forbids employment discrimination based on pregnancy, childbirth, or medical conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth. The law requires employers to treat a pregnant employee who is temporarily unable to perform or is limited in performing, the functions of her job because of pregnancy, childbirth or a related medical condition in the same manner as it treats other employees who are similar in their ability or inability to work.

The ADA[3]  requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities, so long as doing so does not impose an undue hardship on the employer. Although pregnancy alone is not a disability under the ADA, many pregnancy-related conditions are disabilities that an employer may have to accommodate under the ADA.

Both is these legislations can also be accompanied by addition laws, depending on the state. Some choose to go above and beyond the requirements of federal law by providing accommodations for as long as the employee needs, for as long as the employer can withstand hardship in the employee's absence. For example, the state of California considers pregnancy a temporary disability, as well as any illness or injury resulting from pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical condition.As such, an individual is deemed disabled on any day in which, because of her physical or mental condition, she is unable to perform her regular or customary work.

Ways to Accommodate

There are a number of ways employers can accommodate pregnant or nursing workers. HR should be at the forefront of these decisions, working to make adjustments when needed.

An example of this could be if a pregnant employee verbalizes that she’s having trouble, HR should have her discuss her job description with her doctor, focusing on the tasks affecting her pregnancy and accommodations that might help. This way communication is established and modifications can be made based on each woman’s personal need.

More examples of such accommodations include:

      Allow for longer or more frequent work breaks to use the restroom or move her workstation closer to the restroom if pregnant employee is experiencing nausea and/or vomiting symptoms
      Reduce or eliminate physical exertion and workplace stress if she is experiencing fatigue
      Modify policy to allow eating/drinking at workstation/around facility to increase caloric intake and keep hydrated
      Allow work from home or limit overtime
      Allow a flexible or reduced work schedule
      Provide a flexible chair or a foot rest
      Limit lifting, bending, reaching, pushing, and pulling
      Modify dress code
      Allow telephone calls during work hours to healthcare providers and others for needed support

Also consider that employers don’t want managers to overstep by introducing an accommodation when it’s not necessary, which could be perceived as showing bias against the employee’s ability based solely on her pregnancy. However, ignoring someone who is clearly having difficulty performing isn’t advised, either. Find a balance within your HR department. One of the best ways to find this balance is to ask ‘What would the process be if the employee had a back injury or needed adjustments to her work schedule for cancer treatments?” Then, treat pregnancy accommodations the same way. Once the accommodation is implemented, it’s important to monitor the situation and make adjustments as needed.

Be sure to stay updated on HR news and updates by following VertiSource HR® on Facebook and Twitter!

Kailey Brennan, VertiSource HR Blogger®

Monday, May 1, 2017

Move and Grow Faster with VertiSource HR®’s Cloud

If you have been following us on social media, you have noticed we have been abuzz about our new automated platform, the VertiSource HR® Cloud.

VertiSource HR® Cloud is a 100% web based HR software that couples with our HR services, here at VertiSource HR®. Our goal is to provide a simplified version of HR strategies so that you can focus on the growth and development of your business. This service will save you countless hours every week by delivering industry-leading payroll, benefits, hiring and more, all with the help of our HR experts.

Here are some of VertiSource HR® Cloud’s top features that we are most excited about:

Fast and Efficient Payroll

This feature allows you to execute and manage your payroll on time. All your data is automatically integrated with other VertiSource HR® modules, so you don’t have to rekey anything from one system to another.
You can quickly review timesheets, process your payrolls, and even see payroll status in real-time.
Employees can also view payroll and benefits information from any device, which can save you a great deal of time, as well as open the lines of communication with your staff.
Access to payroll data is granted to individuals in your organization as needed, and you can control what specific data, fields, and reports each individual can see.

Bonus Feature: Your payroll can include your brand logos on checks, so your employees have a consistent experience.


The Hiring module reduces the time it takes to hire new employees by 30% or more. It can help expand your candidate pool by posting jobs where candidates are looking for relevant positions.
With this feature, you can streamline posting jobs online, with integrations with dozens of job boards and social networks to post and advertise job listings, including: Indeed, LinkedIn, CareerBuilder, Craigslist, Twitter, and Facebook.
Next, you can receive resumes and sort through potential applicants, even schedule interviews.
Once you have found the ideal candidate, you can streamline onboarding, because his or her information will already be in the system, flowing right through to payroll and benefits.

Speedy Onboarding

Once you have found the right candidate, VertiSource HR® Cloud makes it easy to complete the onboarding process. This module can capture employee demographic information, federal, state and local tax filing forms. With a complete set of digital and online forms combined with electronic signature functionality, new hires can get started fast with complete, accurate records and data.

All forms and documents associated with Onboarding and Enrollment are securely tracked and stored.

Employee Friendly

Your employees can quickly view payroll, benefits and HR information such as earning statements and time off request with the employee Self Service portal. This easy-to-use platform is compatible with smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop so your employees can access the information they need when they need it.

Bonus Feature: The Self Service portal is easily customizable to represent your brand, including colors, and even a custom background.

Visit us at today to speak with a representative about this exciting new service! Move and grow your business, fast and efficiently with VertiSource HR®.

Kailey Brennan, VertiSource HR® Blogger